Investment Policy

The Company’s investment objective and investment policy (including defined terms) are as set out in its prospectus dated 31 August 2023.

Investment objective

The investment objective of the Company is to provide Shareholders with attractive long-term capital growth primarily through the active management of a focused portfolio of quoted companies that have the majority of their operations in, or revenue derived from, Japan, or a majority of whose consolidated net assets are held in Japan, or that are included in the TOPIX, and that have been identified by the Investment Adviser as being undervalued.

Investment policy

Asset allocation

The Company will primarily invest in a highly selective portfolio of shares issued by quoted companies that have the majority of their operations in, or revenue derived from Japan or a majority of whose consolidated net assets are held in Japan, or that are included in the TOPIX (“Japanese Shares”), and which the Investment Adviser deems attractive and undervalued and typically where (i) cash and other liquid investments, real estate and/or tradeable securities constitutes a significant proportion of the investee company’s market capitalisation; and (ii) the relevant company has no controlling or majority shareholders.

The Company may also from time to time obtain exposure to Japanese Shares, Derivatives (as defined below), cash, cash equivalents, exchange traded funds, near cash instruments and money market instruments, which may not necessarily suit activist management by the Investment Adviser, though this will be opportunistic, including as part of an acquisition of a broader portfolio, and will not form a core focus for asset allocation on an ongoing basis.

There are no restrictions placed on the market capitalisation of investee companies; but it is expected that the portfolio will be weighted towards small-cap and mid-cap companies with market capitalisation of up to US$3 billion. The portfolio is expected to have up to 35 holdings, although there is no guarantee that this will be the case, and it may contain a lesser or greater number of holdings at any time.

The Company intends to acquire meaningful minority stakes in each investee company. The Company will not, however, acquire any stake which could cause a change in its status as an investment trust under Chapter 4 of Part 24 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

The Board will not set any limits on sector weightings or stock selection within the portfolio. The Company will not be constrained by any index benchmark in its asset allocation.

The Company may use derivatives for efficient portfolio management purposes. Such purposes would include the management of cash received by the Company upon the occurrence of significant liquidity events (including, without limitation, the receipt of proceeds of fundraisings, the realisation of Portfolio assets and other cash-generative events such as the completion of a management buyout by an investee company). Such derivative contracts may, for example, give the Company exposure to the whole or a sub-section of the Japanese stock market until such time as the Investment Adviser determines that the Company’s derivative position should be liquidated and invested in an investee company in accordance with the Investment Policy (the foregoing derivative contracts being, for the purposes of this Investment Policy “Derivatives”).

Additionally, while the Company intends that the majority of its investments will be in quoted companies, it may also make investments in unquoted companies and the Company may become invested in unquoted companies as a result of corporate actions or commercial transactions undertaken by quoted companies. The Company will only make investments in unquoted companies in order to maintain or improve its position in relation to a business which operated through a quoted entity at the time of the Company’s initial investment in that business.